Hello et bienvenue sur mon site web.

Most of the content here will be written in English for accessibility purposes, but you might stumble on some French-written content every once in a while.

The old version of my website has been replaced by this one, which is a WIP. Old posts might get reuploaded eventually.

This website mostly aims at providing a space where I can publish security challenge writeups, but also, eventually, other thoughts on subjects for which I have great passion, such as UX.

I hold a Software Engineering degree and a Masters degree in cybersecurity. I now work full-time as a pentester and I am dipping my toes here and there in the teaching world and in giving corporate trainings at my day job.

Ch0ufleur (choufleur) means cauliflower in French. Don’t ask why that’s my name, there really isn’t a reason. Have fun reading what you find interesting here! The theme of this blog is called “digitalgarden” for those who want to look in up - I find that somewhat inspiring! I lack the time to make anything too complex, but I believe this markdown solution will do for the time being.


me at ch0ufleur dot dev